The Dealer


Sébastien CoRhino is the Supreme Dealer of the Rhinoceros Party of Canada. He lives in a small town in Eastern Québec, named Rimouski-doo. He’s been traveling from coast to coast, having been in New Found Land as young as 16 years old, when he told his parents he was going there to get bilingual. They laughed a lot at him, but he went nevertheless. Nobody goes to the NFL to learn English!

At age 22, Sébastien traveled to Yukon, visiting the West Edmonton Mall on the way up. He was then amazed of how big and beautiful it was, and still is. West Edmonton Mall is a big, tough, real and a purely Canadian artifact, and the example on how to build a strong Canada. That experience made him want to become Prime Minister of Canada, so he can expand that model of developpement everywhere!

Sébastien CoRhino is in politics to provide a reliable and long term vision for Canada. He wrote the Plan 2015-3015 for the future of Canada, but he didn’t get elected with it. He’s still unsure about why Canadians didn’t bring him to power with this long term vision, so maybe he’ll write a 6 month plan for 2019. But that’s still to be seen…

Sébastien and an excited fan

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